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Instructor Name

Hossam Assem


Web Development


0 (0 Rating)

Course Requirements

  • Age Group: 10 to 13 years old
  • Basic Computer Skills: Familiarity with using a computer and navigating the internet.
  • Curiosity and Creativity: A willingness to learn, explore, and create fun projects.
  • Course Description

    This course introduces young learners to the exciting world of web development using HTML and CSS. Through engaging, hands-on activities, students will explore the foundational concepts of creating websites. They will learn how to structure content using HTML and style it with CSS, enabling them to build their very own web pages. The course will cover essential web development techniques and best practices, making the learning process both educational and fun.

    Course Outcomes

    By the end of this course, students will be able to:

    1. Understand Basic Web Development Concepts: Grasp foundational web development principles, including the roles of HTML and CSS.
    2. Create Structured Web Pages: Use HTML to structure content on web pages, including text, images, links, and lists.
    3. Style Web Pages: Apply CSS to style web pages, including setting colors, fonts, layouts, and responsive design techniques.
    4. Build Interactive Websites: Learn to create simple interactive elements like buttons and forms.
    5. Design and Develop Projects: Design and build their own web projects, enhancing their creativity and technical skills.
    6. Enhance Problem-Solving Skills: Apply logical thinking and problem-solving skills to create and debug their web projects.
    7. Collaborate and Share: Work together with peers, share their projects, and provide constructive feedback to others in a supportive learning environment.

    Course Curriculum


    Hossam Assem

    0 Rating
    0 Reviews
    9 Students
    2 Courses

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    Introduction to Web Development


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