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Instructor Name

Omar Ahmed




0 (0 Rating)

Course Requirements

  • Age Group: 11 to 13 years old
  • Basic Computer Skills: Familiarity with using a computer and navigating the internet.
  • Access to a Python IDE: Students should have access to a Python Integrated Development Environment (IDE) such as IDLE, Thonny, or an online editor like Repl.it.
  • Curiosity and Problem-Solving Skills: A willingness to learn, explore, and solve problems through programming.
  • Course Description

    This course introduces young learners to the fundamentals of programming using Python, a powerful and versatile programming language. Through engaging, hands-on activities, students will explore basic programming concepts and develop their problem-solving skills. They will learn how to write simple programs, create interactive projects, and understand the principles of computational thinking. The course covers essential programming techniques and best practices, making the learning process both educational and fun.

    Course Outcomes

  • Understand Basic Programming Concepts: Grasp foundational programming principles using Python, such as variables, loops, conditionals, and functions.
  • Write Simple Python Programs: Develop and run simple Python programs, demonstrating their understanding of basic syntax and structure.
  • Create Interactive Projects: Build interactive projects using Python, incorporating user inputs and generating outputs.
  • Develop Problem-Solving Skills: Apply logical thinking and problem-solving skills to create and debug their Python projects.
  • Explore Computational Thinking: Understand and apply the principles of computational thinking in their programming projects.
  • Collaborate and Share: Work together with peers, share their projects, and provide constructive feedback to others in a supportive learning environment.
  • Course Curriculum

    Student Feedback

    Introduction to Python Programming: Building Blocks for Future Coders


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